Sounding the interaction of cultures: Orchestration techniques and perceptual effects

Sounding the interaction of cultures: Orchestration techniques and perceptual effects

Lena Heng (McGill University) & Mengqi Wang (Université de Strasbourg)


Compositions for a solo Chinese instrument with the Western orchestra require the composer to consider ways in which orchestration techniques might function in different ways so as to either bring out the solo instrument or to have it blend with the orchestra. Many Chinese composers have attempted such a combination and through experience have accumulated knowledge on unique techniques of orchestration and composition to achieve the desired consequences. Zhu Shirui is a composer and professor of composition at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. His work “Questions on Heavenward Questions” was published in 2007. Guo Wenjing, another Chinese composer is a faculty member of the Central Conservatory of Music and his work “Chou Kong Shan” was composed in 1992 and revised in 1995. Both works not only utilize the bamboo transverse flute, but also have their inspiration from literary sources. This project will attempt to understand and elucidate techniques these composers use through an analysis of these compositions for the solo bamboo flute and Western orchestra. We will direct our inquiry from two perspectives, firstly through a close reading of the notated score and secondly through an aural analysis of performances of the works. Aspects of instrumentation, pitch, rhythmic, and metrical materials, and formal construction of the works will be studied, so as to understand the influence of these on the resultant timbre and musical structure, and their relation to perception and understanding of the music. In addition, elements of Chinese aesthetics and philosophy will also be drawn on for a deeper understanding of underlying reasons for certain artistic choices. Both works are inspired by literary sources and the influence of this narrative content and the cultural background of the composers with their compositional choices will also be studied.


An investigation of choral blending through soundfield capture, acoustic evaluation, and perceptual analysis methods


Masque de Fer