ACTOR Committees
This page provides information on the various committees within the ACTOR Project. There are six committees: the Executive Committee, ACTOR Central, the Training and Mentoring Committee, the Knowledge Mobilization Committee, the Diversity Committee, and the International Advisory Board. Each committee serves a distinct role in supporting and guiding the project’s goals and initiatives.
Executive Committee
Makes key policy decisions concerning the intellectual direction of the project. Helps to ensure integration of research objectives. Provides advice on major decisions. Helps to provide coordination among the Partner institutions and research axes. Prepares annual reports documenting overall project results and spending. During annual in-person meetings, it will participate in budget planning and fund allocation, and implement planning of project activities. The EC will communicate by group email, supplemented as needed by telephone or video conference.
EC Members
Stephen McAdams
Project Director | Axis 1 Lead (ex officio) | Chair
McGill University
Bob Hasegawa
Associate Project Director | Axis 3 Leader (ex officio)
McGill University
Philippe Esling
Axis 2 Leader (ex officio)
Malte Kob
Academic Representative (elected, 2024–2025)
Detmold University of Music
Jason Noble
Academic Representative (elected, 2024–2025)
Université de Moncton
Félix Baril
Private/Cultural Sector Representative (elected, 2024–2025)
Jimmie LeBlanc, TMC coordinator (ex officio)
Lena Heng, KMC coordinator (ex officio)
Ben Duinker, ACTOR post-doc (ex officio)
Yifan Huang, student representative (elected, 2024–2025)
André Martins de Oliveira, project coordinator (ex-officio), secretary
ACTOR Central
The ACTOR central team consists of the project directors, project coordinator, McGill postdoctoral fellows, a PhD student, as well as the website coordinator and content strategist. ACTOR central meets monthly to take care of logistical concerns and to help keep ACTOR’s many diverse projects organized.
ACTOR Central Team
Stephen McAdams
Project Director
Bob Hasegawa
Associate Project Director
Ben Duinker
ACTOR Postdoc
Andrés Gutiérrez
ACTOR post-doc
Jade Roth
Student representative
Training and Mentoring Committee
Coordinates the training opportunities for new students and mentor students on research methods, collaboration ethics, and research dissemination methods. Coordinates student workshops, track student research output, and connect students with Partners and other institutions for potential internships or job/career opportunities. Evaluates student applications to present at yearly workshops (5 students/year). Evaluates student applications for exchange visits to other partner institutions. Provides mentoring for emerging scholars and students and post-docs moving toward tenure-track academic positions. TMC coordinators report to the PD, and the CA serves on the Executive Committee. TMC meets as necessary with a minimum of twice yearly in person or by videoconference.
For more info, see the TMC page here.
TMC Members
Jimmie LeBlanc
Coordinator and co-chair (elected, 2024–2025)
Andrés Gutiérrez
ACTOR post-doc and co-chair (ex officio)
Lindsey Reymore
ACTOR member (elected, 2024–2025)
Asterios Zacharakis
ACTOR member (elected, 2024–2025)
Rebecca Moranis
Student representative and co-chair (elected, 2024–2025)
Kit Soden
TOR Product Advisor(ex officio)
Knowledge Mobilization Committee
Seeks mobilization opportunities in traditional, popular, and social media, including conferences, journals, magazines, digital tools, exhibitions, lecture-concerts, and pedagogical animations for school children and young adults. Also consults on the development of the ACTOR Timbre and Orchestration Resource. The KMC coordinator is responsible for the success of the mobilization activities, tracking key performance indicators, and reports to the EC, on which they will serve. KMC meets as necessary with a minimum of twice yearly in person or by videoconference.
For more info, see the KMC page here.
KMC Members
Lena Heng
Coordinator and co-chair (elected, 2024–2025)
Ben Duinker
ACTOR Postdoc and co-chair (ex-officio)
Simon Jacobsen
Student representative and co-chair (elected, 2024–2025)
Leigh Van Handel
ACTOR member (elected, 2024–2025)
Laurie Radford
ACTOR member (elected, 2024–2025)
Kit Soden
TOR Product Advisor (ex officio)
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee (DC) in the ACTOR project aims to promote inclusivity and diversity in timbre and orchestration research. Its key activities include: encouraging participation of diverse groups of researchers, repertoires, and research approaches; exploring non-Western contexts of orchestration and timbre; addressing structural changes in how timbre and orchestration research is conducted; organizing subgroups focused on specific cultural areas (e.g., Sub-Saharan African and Afro-Diasporic music); planning educational sessions on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in research design.; working to integrate non-Western researchers, practices, and repertoires into ACTOR's future projects and grant proposals.
DC Members
Ben Duinker
ACTOR Postdoc, co-ordinator and co-chair
Robert Hasegawa
Associate Project Director , co-ordinator and co-chair
As this committee is ad-hoc, its members comprise those who attend meetings, whether regularly or only once.
International Advisory Board (IAB)
The IAB reflects international, multidisciplinary expertise in composition, conducting, music studies, cognitive psychology, and computer science. The IAB will be consulted for: 1) overall wisdom, guidance and counsel, 2) specific advice on issues such as methodology, changes in the field, and conflicts of interest, and 3) feedback on annual reports and progress of ACTOR. The IAB will also be called upon to champion the Partnership and its outcomes.
For more info, see the IAB page here.
IAB Members
Jonathan Darlington
Conductor, Music Director, Vancouver Opera | Vancouver, BC, Canada
Rebecca Leydon
Music theorist, Oberlin Conservatory of Music | Oberlin, OH, USA
Carol Lynne Krumhansl
Psychologist, Cornell University | Ithica, NY, USA
Roger Dannenberg
Computer scientist, Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA, USA