Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams

Y4 | Director's Report 2021-22

I would like to welcome to all ACTOR members to the workshop wrapping up our fourth year of activities. As we transition back to some form of normal life again, many of the collaborative workgroups have been very active, demonstrating once again the resourcefulness and devotion of our community to our common passion.

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Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams

Y3 | Director's Report 2020-21

I would like to welcome to all ACTOR members to the workshop wrapping up our third year of activities. I sincerely hope that all ACTOR members managed to maintain their research and creative activities in spite of the continuing pandemic. Many of the collaborative activities of course have been virtual and yet again this year's workshop is online. In spite of these challenges, many of the collaborative workgroups have been very active demonstrating once again the resourcefulness and devotion of our community to our common passion.

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Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams Project Updates, Report Stephen McAdams

Y2 | Director's Report 2019-20

I would like to welcome to all ACTOR members to the workshop wrapping up our second year of activities. I hope that all ACTOR members managed to maintain their activities in spite of the challenges presented by the pandemic. Many of the collaborative activities of course had to go virtual as did this year's workshop, but everyone rose the challenge as best as circumstances allowed, and this year's slate of workgroups is a testament to the resourcefulness and devotion of our community.

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