This group aims to develop projects in the field of timbre semantics and to explore different research methods.
Workgroup Leaders
Lindsey Reymore, Lena Heng, Jason Noble
Contact: lreymore[at]asu.edu
Active or Envisioned Projects
CORE Timbre semantics: Explores how composers and performers in the COREs conceptualize timbre semantics (related areas: orchestration pedagogy, creation, ethnography, qualitative analysis; project leads: Roger Reynolds, Jason Noble, Caroline Traube)
Mapping the semantics of timbre across pitch registers: Large online perceptual study supported by ACTOR Strategic Initiatives funding exploring the semantic correlates of orchestral timbres, including CORE instruments, across registration (related areas: perceptual research axis; project leads: Lindsey Reymore and Jason Noble)
Acoustical correlates of timbre semantics across pitch registers: Acoustical analysis of perceptual dataset above (related areas: acoustics; project lead: Charis Saitis).
Timbre synthesis in response to semantic prompts: Developing an app that will enable participants to produce digital timbres and sound textures to embody or express given semantic associations. Online experiment to follow. (related areas: sound synthesis, interactivity; project leads: Jason Noble and Zachary Wallmark)
Dialect-based composition: Using formant-based acoustical analysis of guitar timbres to evoke analogies with spoken vowels, applied in compositions drawing on source material from the dialects of Newfoundland and Québec. (related areas: acoustical analysis, dialectology; project leads: Jason Noble and Caroline Traube)
fMRI study of crossmodality in timbre perception
SpeaK Web Project: an online tool, free, to create sound lexicons
Orchestration semantics, timbre-vowel analogies
Voice timbre semantics
Description of vocal timbre as influenced by gender perception
Sound symbolism and vocables in Zambian Luvale
Semantic description of a piece of music and its relation to perception of musical affect
Acoustical correlates of felt tension and semantics of tension
Interview with Martha di Francisco about piano timbre and piano recording
Study on teaching style in baroque music piano performance
Piano timbre and gesture semantics
semantics of the sinewave
Seeing Music
Timbre Explorer
Timbre synthesis in response to semantic prompts
Navigating noise
SLACK Channel
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