Timbre Semantics

Summary | Contact | Projects


This group aims to develop projects in the field of timbre semantics and to explore different research methods.

Workgroup Leaders

Lindsey Reymore, Lena Heng, Jason Noble

Contact: lreymore[at]asu.edu

Active or Envisioned Projects

  • CORE Timbre semantics: Explores how composers and performers in the COREs conceptualize timbre semantics (related areas: orchestration pedagogy, creation, ethnography, qualitative analysis; project leads: Roger Reynolds, Jason Noble, Caroline Traube)

  • Mapping the semantics of timbre across pitch registers: Large online perceptual study supported by ACTOR Strategic Initiatives funding exploring the semantic correlates of orchestral timbres, including CORE instruments, across registration (related areas: perceptual research axis; project leads: Lindsey Reymore and Jason Noble)

  • Acoustical correlates of timbre semantics across pitch registers: Acoustical analysis of perceptual dataset above (related areas: acoustics; project lead: Charis Saitis).

  • Timbre synthesis in response to semantic prompts: Developing an app that will enable participants to produce digital timbres and sound textures to embody or express given semantic associations. Online experiment to follow. (related areas: sound synthesis, interactivity; project leads: Jason Noble and Zachary Wallmark)

  • Dialect-based composition: Using formant-based acoustical analysis of guitar timbres to evoke analogies with spoken vowels, applied in compositions drawing on source material from the dialects of Newfoundland and Québec. (related areas: acoustical analysis, dialectology; project leads: Jason Noble and Caroline Traube)

  • fMRI study of crossmodality in timbre perception

  • SpeaK Web Project: an online tool, free, to create sound lexicons

  • Orchestration semantics, timbre-vowel analogies

  • Voice timbre semantics

  • Description of vocal timbre as influenced by gender perception

  • Sound symbolism and vocables in Zambian Luvale

  • Semantic description of a piece of music and its relation to perception of musical affect

  • Acoustical correlates of felt tension and semantics of tension

  • Interview with Martha di Francisco about piano timbre and piano recording

  • Study on teaching style in baroque music piano performance

  • Piano timbre and gesture semantics

  • semantics of the sinewave

  • Seeing Music

  • Timbre Explorer

  • Timbre synthesis in response to semantic prompts

  • Navigating noise


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Workgroup Reports

Related Funded Projects