Dolan, Emily
Emily Dolan
Emily I. Dolan joined the faculty at Brown University in 2019. Previously, she held positions at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. Dolan works on the music of the late 18th and 19th centuries. She focuses on issues of orchestration, timbre, aesthetics, and instrumentality, exploring in the intersections between music, science, and technology. She has published articles in Current Musicology, Eighteenth-Century Music, Studia Musicologica, Keyboard Perspectives, and 19th-Century Music. Her first book, The Orchestral Revolution: Haydn and the Technologies of Timbre, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2013. In 2018, she guest edited a double issue of Opera Quarterly, "Vocal Organologies and Philologies." Outside of the 18th century, she is also interested in Sound Art and has published in Popular Music on indie pop and ideas of kitsch. Dolan was a faculty fellow in the Penn Humanities Forum 2008-09 and in 2009-2010, Dolan was a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Currently, Dolan is working on a collaborative project on timbre with Alexander Rehding for Oxford Handbooks Online and on her second book, Instruments and Order, which explores the concept of instrumentality.