Strategic Projects Strategic Project Strategic Projects Strategic Project

Dance and timbral exploration (DATE)

Timbral exploration of sonic resources is often carried out by musicians interacting in a particular environment, often involving improvisation or the execution of compositionally directed sonic gestures. The Dance And Timbral Exploration (DATE) project will expand on the combined composed and improvisatory environments by providing a dancer/choreographer with the tools to blend and process the sounds of two musicians in real time using physical gestures.

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Strategic Projects Strategic Project Strategic Projects Strategic Project

Universes of timbres: Exploring the instruments of the orchestra

Our project will document and explore the timbres of the instruments of the orchestra, and the instrumental techniques used to create vast ranges of timbres, by recording the orchestra (video and audio) and interviewing the artists who play these instruments, and will culminate in multiples series of short, bilingual, educational videos around each instrument.

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Strategic Projects Strategic Project Strategic Projects Strategic Project

Path of Miracles – A multitrack recording in 3D audio to recreate choral blend

Timbral exploration of sonic resources is often carried out by musicians interacting in a particular environment, often involving improvisation or the execution of compositionally directed sonic gestures. The Dance And Timbral Exploration (DATE) project will expand on the combined composed and improvisatory environments by providing a dancer/choreographer with the tools to blend and process the sounds of two musicians in real time using physical gestures. This project will make use of the Kinect Controlled Artistic Sensing System (KiCASS), a UBC-developed motion capture system which uses infra-red tracking to generate data from 20 points on multiple dancers.

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