ACTOR Y7 Workshop 2025 — Geneva, Switzerland
It is official! We are pleased to confirm that the Y7 workshop will take place at the Haute école de musique in Geneva, Switzerland, 7-9 July 2025.

ACTOR Y6 Workshop 2024 — Vancouver
The Year 6 Annual Workshop will be hosted by the School of Music of the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. It will be held in a hybrid format (online/in person). This year, the workshop will be preceded by a three-day edition of the second Timbre and Orchestration Summer School (TOSS).
The event page can be found here.

ACTOR Y4 Workshop 2022 — Calgary
The ACTOR Y4 Annual Workshop will be hosted by the School of Creative and Performing Arts at the University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, from 9-11 July 2022.This year’s workshop will be held in a hybrid format (online/in person). We anticipate that this format will enable a greater number of members to participate. We are excited by the possibility to meet again in person and we encourage all to attend. The Workshop page is live, and more details will be available shortly. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Andre Martins de Oliveira at actor-project.music@mcgill.ca.

ACTOR Y3 Workshop 2021 — Online
The ACTOR Y3 Workshop will be held online via Zoom from July 12th through July 16th. We are happy to announce that details about all the working groups meeting for a discussion is now available on our website. The full scheduled will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

Atelier ACTOR A2 — virtuel
La 2e année de l’atelier ACTOR se déroulera en ligne du 13 au 17 juillet et accueillera des membres du monde entier. La séance plénière comprendra des présentations des deux nouveaux postdocs ainsi que des membres étudiants Yuval Adler (Université McGill), Eliazer Kramer (Université de Montréal), Ioannis Mitsialis (Université de Californie, San Diego), Victor Rosi (Ircam/Sorbonne Université) et Jithin Thilakan (Hochschule für Musik Detmold). Pendant les quatre jours de l’atelier, huit séances de groupes de travail auront lieu : Analyse du timbre et de l’orchestration, Acoustique des salles de concert, Ensembles de recherche sur l’orchestration contemporaine (EROC), Ressources sur le timbre et d’orchestration (TOR), Sémantique du timbre, OrchView et la taxonomie du groupement perceptif, Outils informatiques et IA pour l’orchestration. Les rapports finaux des réunions des groupes de travail sont disponibles sur le dépôt de données ACTOR.

ACTOR Y1 Workshop 2019 — Paris
Forty ACTOR members from seven countries gathered in Paris, France from 13-15 July at IRCAM/Centre Pompidou for the second annual ACTOR Workshop. This year’s activities included a special session devoted to the work of student members.

ACTOR Kickoff Workshop 2018 — Montreal
ACTOR members gathered for an initial discussion on the goals of the project according to each sub-axis. Various topics crossing sub-axes were also covered such as 'Orchestration taxonomies,' 'Spatialization and room acoustic effects,' 'Development deployment of computer-aided orchestration,' etc.